Woombye State School Fun Run

“This is great because it builds up staff morale, it builds up student morale and community morale… it JUST builds UP community… and that's what WOOMBYE IS all ABOUT. It’s about building Community!

OH… it's fantastic, we've had at least 1,000 people here when you consider the students, the staff, the families, and friends. It's a massive day, also lots of volunteers and our wonderful rural fire service came down to lend their support and to hose us off after the inevitable slimings. I must say if you haven't been slimed is quite the experience and it'll take me probably 2 or 3 days to get this off.

A day like this means so much not only for the fundraising that we do for the PNC, but just to see the kids all happy, and that's our main goal. Our briefing every year from the principal is just to give the kids a fun day, and that's what we do with Fun Run.

I would thoroughly encourage anyone to have the School Fun Run, mainly because it builds School culture, and to build that fun element and give every student the opportunity to participate.

It's not about raising money; it's about raising students and raising Community culture. As you can see from the results, all the students are having fun. They will talk about this for years to come and the PNC loves doing it and we (the school) love being part of it!”


Pottsville Beach Public School